Online Privacy News and Views
Optanon Acquired by OneTrust
We are pleased to announce that Optanon, along with parent company Governor Technology, has been acquired by OneTrust.
New Audit and Consent Features Released
New features have been released to support a model for path based consent within a domain. Read on to find out more.
The Cookie Law is not about the Cookies
When you use cookies on a website, you are very often collecting data about people. Most of the time you can argue that the consequences of this are minor, and most or the time that is mostly true. Sometimes however this exposes those individuals to risks. If those people happen to be some of the more vulnerable members of society, those risks can be significant. If you allow that data to get into the hands of other organisations with no control over what can happen to it, those risks are greater still. And if you are an organisation that is supposed to be helping those people, but seem to be either unaware of these risks, or ignoring them, then this becomes a serious failure in duty of care.
Cookie Opt-Out Stats Revealed
Trust your visitors, and they will trust you back. This is our conclusion following analysis of visitor engagement with the Optanon cookie settings button and opt-out controls.
New Do Not Track Alert for Optanon
Optanon has long had the capability to respond to the Do Not Track signal, however we have now rolled out a new interface element that automatically displays to the visitor to show the response.
Optanon and Cookiepedia Updated
It has been a busy few weeks for our development team, and we are delighted to announce that the hard work has paid off, with not one but two major software releases completed in the last few days.
Optanon Now Integrated with Google Tag Manager
We are pleased to announce that we have this week published a new release of Optanon that enables Google Tag Manager users to set up their tags to respond to visitor preferences expressed via Optanon.
New Optanon Privacy Preference Centre Released
We are delighted to announce today the release of a brand new version of our leading cookie law compliance tool, the Optanon Privacy Preference Centre.
Optanon Support for Do Not Track and ICC Categories
We have made some important updates to the Optanon privacy compliance service in the last few days.
Optanon Upgrades and Goes Multi-Lingual
We are delighted to announce that following a major upgrade to the site administration tools Optanon now supports the ability to create a consent message in any left-to-right language.